In its simplest term, genre is the type of screenplay you have written: Action, Adventure, Comedy, Crime (gangster), Drama, Horror, Musical/Dance, Science-Fiction, War, and Westerns. It's important to clearly identify your genre so you can market your script to the right agent, manager, studio, producer, or talent. Example: You would not want to make the mistake of giving your Sci-Fi script to an actor who only does comedy.
This week we will look at five of the most popular feature film genres. Part two will be uploaded on Tuesday, 2/19/2013
Action: Action films are high energy, with physical stunts, chases, battles, fights, escapes, floods, explosions, disasters, fires, etc. It’s the good-guy battling bad guys. Think James Bond, martial arts films. Note: sometimes Action films are confused with adventure films.
This week we will look at five of the most popular feature film genres. Part two will be uploaded on Tuesday, 2/19/2013
Action: Action films are high energy, with physical stunts, chases, battles, fights, escapes, floods, explosions, disasters, fires, etc. It’s the good-guy battling bad guys. Think James Bond, martial arts films. Note: sometimes Action films are confused with adventure films.